Animal With Big Nose L9oks Like a Pig

Animal With Big Nose L9oks Like a Pig

A nose with ii nostrils is a trait shared by well-nigh all animals, and for skilful reason. The nose gives us an additional sense through its ability to smell, but it also serves equally a critical pathway that allows air to flow into the lungs. But while most animals use their noses exclusively for those two purposes, there are quite a few who have developed far more elongated appendages. As is usually the case with evolutionary changes, these long noses tend to serve a purpose. Here are seven of the animals with the biggest noses — along with why they developed them in the first identify.

#vii: Elephant Shrew — Nose as Repast Forager

Elephant shrews have exceptional sight, hearing, and a strong sense of smell.

Big noses are often a way to compensate for poor senses elsewhere, but that's not the case with the elephant shrew. This tiny mammal has exceptional sight and hearing in addition to its strong sense of smell. Their long noses may look similar a shrunk-downwardly version of the trunk elephants deport, but it's not quite and so flexible. Instead, they employ their noses similarly to aardvarks — sweeping the basis to unsettle insects and small invertebrates and then ingesting them. Information technology'due south an effective technique, i that'due south allowed them to spread prolifically throughout Africa.

These animals serve a critical part in their ecosystem by managing the populations of native bugs. They can be trusted to manage the populations of both ants and termites where they're prevalent. They also use their big noses to runway the scents of 1 some other — and marking territory with scent glands is a common social habit of these monogamous and territorial pipsqueaks.

Aardvarks use their olfactory organ to craft tools and weapons and to chase.

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Despite looking remarkably similar to the anteater, the aardvark is more closely related to the elephant. And while these creatures can't use their long snouts to craft tools and wield weapons, they can utilise them to chase. An aardvark will use its claws to root up the nests of termites and ants and then use its long nose to suck up these insects in prodigious numbers. An aardvark can swallow upwards to 50,000 insects in a single evening, and they inhale them without chewing. Aardvarks are nocturnal scavengers with poor vision, so they rely on their olfactory organ every bit their key form of navigation. Ten bones within the nose create a sense of scent that dwarfs whatever dog brood.

The aardvark shows how a dramatic evolution can develop to fulfill a very specific niche within an ecosystem. Through the patient course of evolution, aardvarks have developed the ability to block their nostrils entirely and thus prevent them from getting clogged with insects and dust.

#5: Star-Nosed Mole — Nose as a Navigation Assistance

The tentacles that surroundings a star-nosed mole'southward olfactory organ have roughly 100,00 nerve endings on them.

While many animals use their sense of smell to navigate in dark environments, none do so in quite the same style every bit the star-nosed mole. Its face up is covered by a writhing mass of tentacles. The 22 tentacles that surround its nose comprise roughly 100,000 nerve endings — more than 5 times that of the human hand. That's quite the feat when you consider these moles measure less than half a foot in length. In the nighttime tunnels and shallow waters where this mole navigates, sight is far from essential — and the star-nosed mole has developed a unique method for seeing the world around information technology.

Their big nose tentacles all move in unison, and each can touch up to ten objects in a 2nd. It'south hard to imagine what this practically supernaturally enhanced sense of touch must feel like, but it allows them to effectively map out their subterranean environments and both place and assess prey like worms and insects in a matter of milliseconds. This sensory input is completely singled-out from their bodily olfactory capabilities — although they possess the capacity to aroma underwater.

#iv: Probosci's Monkey — Nose as Born Amplifier

Proboscis monkeys use their big noses to attract mates.

Often a long nose exists to assist navigate a nighttime world or find a repast, just sometimes it's congenital to attract a mate. Proboscis monkeys are known for their enormous and bulbous noses, but males possess much larger noses — and the males with the largest noses tend to take the best success with the reverse sex. While these noses don't serve whatsoever functional purpose outside of the mating procedure, they're an example of how seemingly innocuous traits tin lead to specific sexual selection preferences in a species.

In this instance, it's due to several intersecting factors. Male proboscis monkeys maintain harems of females, and success — at least in an evolutionary sense — is predicated on having equally large a harem as possible. Roughly a half pes long on average, these noses can projection the mating call of a male person monkey to reach a larger grouping of females — but big noses too tend to correspond to larger bodies, suggesting a male who can hunt off both threats and competitors. Researchers take even correlated a big nose to a proportionately small fix of canines — a trait that they say improves their efficiency as foragers.

#3: Tapirs — Nose as Grocery Grabber

The tapir uses its nose for pulling vegetation and fruits from hard-to-accomplish places.

The long nose of a tapir resembles the body of an elephant, and the similarities go beyond just looks. This animal's noses are prehensile, allowing them to navigate objects in their surroundings in rather sophisticated means. As with the elephant, this torso encompasses both the upper lip and the nose of the tapir. Different species of tapir can be found throughout the jungles, grasslands, and fifty-fifty some mountainous regions of Central and South America, and all of them primarily apply this extended snout for pulling vegetation and fruits from branches that are otherwise out of achieve.

Unlike the aardvark, tapirs aren't reliant on their noses as a replacement for being nearly blind. While they don't accept the all-time eyesight in the animal kingdom, these animals can navigate decently well with eyesight and better with hearing. Simply their trunks exercise aid amplify their sense of smell. By peeling their prehensile trunk back and away from their mouth and exposing their teeth, they can actuate what's known as the Flehmen response, alerting themselves to everything from nutrient sources to threats to prospective mates.

Sawfish use their chainsaw-similar nose equally a tool for hunting.

The sawfish doesn't just have a large nose — this brute has a big olfactory organ that's shaped suspiciously like a chainsaw. And while their noses tin't be revved upward, they are an effective tool for hunting. Scientists have long observed the sawfish using their uniquely large noses to sift through sand and find crustaceans to munch on. Merely more than contempo revelations have made it clear that they besides weaponize their noses to impale prey. And sifting through loose sand isn't the only way their olfactory organ can be used in the chase. Tiny sensors are embedded throughout the surface of this fish'southward nose, and they permit it to place the electric fields that living organisms give off.

Sawfish don't set on humans, but that seems less reassuring when you accept into consideration the fact that these fish can grow to be upwardly to 25 feet long.

An elephant's trunk can extend up to 7 feet.

Image CreditDmytro Gilitukha/

Information technology was once accepted that humans were the only animals capable of using tools, but elephants disprove that theory with the artistic and varied ways that they manipulate their flexible noses. An elephant'south trunk can extend upwards to 7 feet and counterbalance up to 400 pounds, and information technology'south developed from the fusion of its nose and lip. Elephants have been seen property branches with their trunks and using them to swat away flies and scratch at itches on their leathery hides. And in a sign of college intelligence, they even use their trunks to strip the branches and transform them into more effective tools.

But in addition to carrying and throwing objects in the environment, the trunk can serve as a remarkably delicate touch organ too. Trunks are used to impact and caress other elephants in shows of affection, and they use these trunks to understand the texture, shape, and weight of objects around them. Elephants, such equally the Indian elephant and Asian elephant, have fifty-fifty been seen placing their trunks to the ground to sense vibrations from distant.

Next Upward: New Study: Giant Carnivorous Sloth Once Roamed The Earth

Animal With Big Nose L9oks Like a Pig



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